Why Wan Azizah will win Permantang Pauh by-election although she should not win –PartiKeAnwaran Rakyat
By Raghavan Nair
Everything is wrong about Azizah’s candidacy in Permatang Pauh. Nothing has changed in Kajang till today. Kajang is still plight with so many problems that has yet to be solved but Azizah washes her hands off and passes the baton to Azmin while she wants to return to PermatangPauh.
Permatang Pauh and Kajang are not neighbours. How is she going to manage both when she can’t even manage one? Congratulations people of Kajang. Now you won’t see her at all!! You deserve the representative you elect. I also wonder why when it comes to PKR, only Anwar Ibrahim and his family are front runners? Of course PKR doesn’t believe in cronyism.
They only believe in ‘everything in the family’.
Despite nothing being right about Azizah’s candidacy in the upcoming by-election, will she win? Of course she will. I would not be surprised if it is a land-slide victory. The people are fed-up with BN’s governance. People are fed-up with corruption. People are fed-up that nothing is done for them.
But Malaysians are okay if PKR has not developed Permatang Pauh for umpteen years.
Malaysians are okay that their parliamentarian is just a puppet and policies will be made by a remote controller behind bars. Malaysians are okay that promises made during the campaign period of GE 13 still not kick-started. Malaysians are okay that PKR actually stands for PartiKeAnwaran Rakyat and not what it is proclaimed to be.
Let’s consider the two scenarios:
What if Wan Azizah wins? PKR will continue to be as arrogant as they are by taking the country for a ride. Nothing will change in Permatang Pauh. BN does not lose any leverage because it is not their strong-hold anyway. More of Anwar’s family will be standing for elections everywhere and vibrant young locals would not be given a chance. People of Kajang will be neglected more than ever until campaign period of GE 14.
What if Wan Azizah loses? The political landscape in Penang will still not change because the state is governed by DAP and 1 BN representative cannot do anything to upset the state government’s stands. So, Penang will still be as it is today. However, her defeat would definitely give PKR a wake-up call. They will wake up from hibernation. More young leaders will be brought forward. BN through their candidate in Permatang Pauh will do anything and everything to develop the area in an attempt to convince the people to vote them for the next election.
The choice is now in the hands of the people in Permatang Pauh. Azizah losing could benefit the people. Azizah winning will not deter BN but will enhance status-quo in Permatang Pauh as nothing will change. The choice is yours, Permatang Pauh. Always remember, you deserve the representative you elect!
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